Interview with Selma Writes

Selma Writes (, Twitter handle @selmawrites) was an absolute joy to interview. I’ve seen her around on the forums, but I hadn’t realized the extent of her dedication and how much of a following she has created. She has 900 followers on Medium, a site where she’s published around 80 works. She’s tweeted 19,900 times and has 2,296 followers. And she has made 1,620 posts in the Write Practice community in only two years. I’ve transcribed our half hour conversation so that others can benefit from her sound advice and spirited dedication.

Interview with TJ (Catharina Hof)

TJ (pen name Catharina Hof, website was pretty much a saint, kind enough to put up with me through my very first interview, with a Skype connection that hung up three times and a ridiculous amount of social anxiety on my part. TJ took more of a standard educational route when it came to learning about creative writing (think classes and retreats). We had a short but sweet conversation together as we talked about our writing backgrounds.