Poem- When Did You Stop Loving Me

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When did you stop loving me
And why
The universe topples, veers
And again I can’t trust anyone
Again this seasick world
Assaults my eyes with salty tears

You speak of feelings like a bank
Where my account’s come due
I’ve missed too many payments
And you’re just passing through

Because you’ve come to take my house
But you never sent a bill
And every day my telephone lay quite alone and still. 
But up you came a-calling every day on that there phone
And you never ever told me that
I’d be in the cold alone

Perhaps you hid the papers 
To win the greater prize
And when you came a-calling
That was the sparkle in your eyes 

You loved me once, I’m sure of it
But then that could be lies
Because for the life of me I couldn’t say
How long you’ve been in disguise

We joked, we laughed, we played
And with pleasure in your voice
You’d tell me wondrous stories 
Of studies that weren’t Joyce

You’d say I was delightful
Adorable and sweet
You’d tell me not to ever stop 
The puns that were your treat 
You’d tell me I should never ever

I didn’t ever ever stop 
I held my head up high
Safe in the security 
Of a love I thought would never die

I did all that you asked of me
And plenty more besides 
So I ask again when you stopped loving me
And what and where and why
